IOHK | Team

Tatyana Valkevych

Tatyana Valkevych
  • Release Manager
  • Development


Tatyana holds an MSc degree in Applied Mathematics from Kiev National University, Ukraine. After graduation she worked in academia in Ukraine and the UK, conducting research and development in the areas of languages and language processors for component-based systems. In 2000 she moved into industry and worked as a Java developer in financial services on projects in credit risk, internet banking, fund price processing and market data collection.

Since 2005 Tatyana has been working on live systems. Over last few years her focus shifted to delivery of changes and sustainability of a product. At Alfresco Software she worked with offshore and distributed teams managing releases and delivering changes to global customers of Alfresco Enterprise Content Management System. Tatyana is particularly interested in engineering culture, testing, automation, DevOps and application life-cycle management.

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Tatyana Valkevych