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Prof Philip Wadler

Philip Wadler
  • Senior research fellow
  • Academic Research


Philip is professor of theoretical computer science at the University of Edinburgh and senior research fellow at IOHK since 2017. He is an ACM fellow and a fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, and a past chair of ACM Sigplan. Previously, he worked or studied at Stanford, Xerox Parc, Carnegie Mellon, Oxford, Chalmers, Glasgow, Bell Labs, and Avaya Labs, and visited as a guest professor at Copenhagen, Sydney, and Paris. He has an h-index of 70 with more than 24,000 citations, according to Google Scholar. He contributed to the designs of Haskell, Java, and XQuery. Philip is a co-author of Introduction to Functional Programming (Prentice Hall, 1988), XQuery from the Experts (Addison-Wesley, 2004), Java Generics and Collections (O’Reilly, 2006) and Programming Language Foundations in Agda (2018). He has delivered invited talks in locations ranging from Aizu to Zurich. Philip is a past holder of a Royal Society-Wolfson research merit fellowship, and a winner of Sigplan awards for both distinguished service (2004-09) and most influential paper (‘Imperative functional programming’, by Simon Peyton Jones and Philip Wadler).

Philip Wadler