IOHK | Team

Peter Thompson

Peter Thompson
  • PNSoL Consultant
  • System Performance Scientist


Peter Thompson became technical chief of Predictable Network Solutions (PNSol) in 2012 after several years as chief scientist of GoS Networks (formerly U4EA Technologies). Before that he was chief executive and one of the founders (with Neil Davies) of Degree2 Innovations, a company established to commercialize advanced research into network service and experience quality, undertaken during four years that he was a senior research fellow at the Partnership in Advanced Computing Technology in Bristol, England. Previously he spent 11 years at STMicroelectronics (formerly Inmos), where one of his patents for parallel computing and communications received a worldwide technical achievement award.

For five years, he was the subject editor for VLSI and architectures on Microprocessors and Microsystems, an academic journal published by Elsevier. He has degrees in mathematics and physics from the universities of Warwick and Cambridge, and spent five years doing research in general relativity and quantum theory at the University of Oxford. PNSol became a subcontractor to IOHK in 2017.

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Peter Thompson