IOHK | Team

Manuel Chakravarty

Manuel Chakravarty
  • Technical Architect
  • Tweag


Manuel Chakravarty is a researcher and developer specialising in programming languages and compilers with a focus on functional programming. He has made many contributions to the development of the Haskell programming language, tools, and libraries. He co-developed and implemented the foreign function interface, and the language extensions for both type families and associated types. He was involved in Data Parallel Haskell, Vector, Repa, and Accelerate. He wrote the C->Haskell binding generator and the Haskell for Mac development environment. Manuel was an associate professor at UNSW Sydney, holds a PhD from the Technical University of Berlin, and received an MSc from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. He has published extensively on functional programming, compilers, and high-performance computing, and won the most influential paper award at the International Conference on Functional Programming (2015). He joined IOHK in 2018.

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Manuel Chakravarty